Another Elevator Death

Michael “Dewayne” Atkins of Russellville, Alabama died in an elevator accident at Decatur Morgan Hospital in Decatur, Alabama
We are saddened to report another death in an elevator accident. Michael “Dewayne” Atkins was a maintenance worker at Decatur Morgan Hospital in Decatur, Alabama. He was kneeling in the elevator shaft, working on a sump pump, when the elevator crashed and fell on top of him, crushing him to death.
The 41-year-old husband and father of three children and grandfather of two is believed to have died instantly of injuries to his chest and back.
There is no cable, as it is a hydraulic elevator, so the accident was not the result of cable failure. Local authorities have launched an investigation into the accident. According to the state inspections office, the elevator was current on inspections and had no reported serious issues.
We will continue to share these stories with you in our ongoing campaign about elevators and their potential hazards.